All posts tagged "fallas"
admin | 25 October, 2011
Presentation of the fallas: a party for all
Una festa per a tots, a party for all! That is this week in Turia between the bridge...
admin | 18 October, 2011
The fallera mayor 2012
Real ambassadors of Valencia, the new elected Falleras have been elected on October, 17th
admin | 6 September, 2011
(Italiano) Le prime Fallas non si scordano. Michele innamorato di Valenzia racconta il suo Erasmus nella città spagnola
(Italiano) Michele Spiaggiari ha fatto l'Erasmus a Valenzia nel 2007. Passati quattro anni l'entusiasmo per la vita nella...
admin | 18 July, 2011
Laura: Valenzia, una piacevole scoperta
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.
admin | 9 June, 2011
March – April
From March 15 to 19 Las Fallas: One of the most exciting festivals and famous is Las Fallas....
admin | 9 June, 2011
Las Fallas
The fallas are a popular festival which peaked between March the 16 and March the 19, the day...
admin | 9 June, 2011
The culture of Valencia
You can not live a few months in Valencia and miss your new city customs. The bullfighting The...