
Districts and neighborhoods of Valencia

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mappa quartieri Valenzia

Valencia, because of its large size, is divided in 19 districts (districtos), each of them composed by three or four neighborhoods (barrios).  Knowing how the city is organized will save you a lot of time in finding your Erasmus flat and will help you in living the city in a different way from tourist.

The favourite students neighbourhoods , as well as the Old Town, belong to the district of El Pla Del Real, which hosts the University Campus of Blasco Ibañez, the districts of Benimaclet o Algirós (where is located the Polytechnic University), or the areas between the Malvarrosa beach and the Cabanyal, in the district of Poblats Marítims. Ruzafa is also an interesting neighbourhood, but, as it is a little bit far from the University, it is less successful.

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