
Today: macrobotellon

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Today is the university party. On this occasion, more than 7000 students are expected to attend a giant botellón on the Plaza de toros.

jeune fille qui boit a la bouteilleThe botellon, a typical Spanish custom, this is a group of people who come together to get drunk before going clubbing. An cheap and easy to start a party but still totally illegal. But tonight in exceptionally, students will be allowed to drink in the plaza de toros in the center of Valencia. The event was originally planned in the area of ​​campus Tarongers but the festivities, such as concerts will take place around the plaza de toros, so the giant botellón  would have spread to there as well.

You can buy your entrance into a nightclub, either on the site or in advance via a facebook  group of ticket sellers.

The local and national police will be present to prevent any problem during this macro botellon. And according to police sources, the macro botellón weekly return to campus of  Tarongers  by next Thursday.

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